Sergey Kamenskiy
Curator, researcher, manager

In my projects, I explore themes of personal, collective, and local memory, focusing on urban spaces, challenging heritage, and traumatic histories. I actively employ participatory practices, adhering to the principle of 'Nothing about us without us'.

Result-orientated manager and curator with 10+ years of experience in museum organisation and cultural projects, including curator work, fundraising, and strategy development.
Social development can't be imagined without rethinking historical experience and having a discussion of the current problems. Contemporary museum practices are turning into professional tools of social mediation and communication, while museums are becoming the very institution that helps transform the current traumatic relationships and resolve long-standing problems in society.

My projects bring controversial topics of the past into the public domain and launch the process of reflection through urban research, and cultural and educational projects.
Political repressions in the Sverdlovsk Region of the 1930s in the private memoirs of the repressed people and their families
Publications and conferences


2023 Why are we doing this? Practices of audience engagement in museum activities. In Participatory practices in museums. Moscow, 2023. pp. 84-100.

2019 Documentary Theater Projects as Methods of Working with the Heritage of Yekaterinburg. In Heritage Interpretation: the Power of Storytelling in Museums. The Conference was held by ICOM Austria, ICOM Russia, ICОМ Czech Republic, ICOM Slovakia, and ICOM Switzerland in cooperation with the State Hermitage Museum, Gatchina Palace and Estate Museum, and the Museum Complex «The State Museum St Isaac's Cathedral». Saint Petersburg.

2016 The art of travel. Museum project experience 2.0. Online monograph (in English).

2015 Participatory Museum as an actual model of interaction of museum communities (with Elena Shuklina). In Strategies for the development of social communities, institutions and territories: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Yekaterinburg.

2015 Museum Research Project «The Art of Travel». In Culture of participation: the museum as a space of dialogue and cooperation. Saint Petersburg

2015 Participatory museum project: design and study experience (with Elena Shuklina). In Proceedings of the Ural Federal University. Series 1: Problems of education, science and culture. 2015. Volume 138. No. 2. pp. 154-164.

2014 Project implementation using crowdsourcing. In Directory of the head of the cultural institution. 2014. № 7.

2009 Actualization of the archaeological heritage in modern socio-cultural practices: abstract of the dissertation of the Candidate of Cultural Studies. Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press.

2008 Archaeological monuments in cultural and educational tourism: specifics and possibilities of use. In The second Yugra Field Museum Biennale: a collection of reports and messages. Khanty-Mansiysk: Polygraphist.

2008 Archeology in the mass consciousness: ideas, interest, value. In Proceedings II (XVIII) All-Russian Archaeological Congress in Suzdal. Vol. III. Moscow. Publishing House of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

2008 Archaeological heritage: on the way to the revival of the past. In Omsk Scientific Bulletin.

2008 Archaeological monuments as objects of cultural heritage (axiological aspect). In Izvestiya Ural State University. Yekaterinburg, Ural University Press.


2021 Dutch-Russian museum conference: Sustainable Dialogues. Amsterdam, Holland.

2020 Interaction of museums with the local community and the formation of a culture of participation. Astana, Kazakhstan.

2019 IV International Research and Practice Conference «Museum in the City — City in the Museum». Moscow, Russia.

2018 Public History in Russia: performances of the past in the theater and beyond. Kazan, Russia.

2015 Participatory Culture: Museum as a Forum for Dialogue and Collaboration. Saint Petersburg



2025 - Engagement, Collaboration And Community: Bringing Professionals Together Educational workshop of The Royal Society, Nottingham

2019 - Cultural Skills Academy. V. Potanin Charitable Foundation and the British Council in Russia

2019 - Museum internship at The State Tretyakov Gallery, The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

2017 - School of Museum Leadership, Moskow. V. Potanin Charitable Foundation in partnership with the British Council and the Polytechnic Museum

2015 - CEC ArtsLink program internship «Participatory Museum Exchange», New York, Boston

2005 - 2008 Ural Federal University, PhD in Cultural Studies

1998 - 2003 Ural Federal University, MA History


Chair 2025
Cheshire East Council, Congleton Museum, United Kingdom

Project Manager 2023-2024
Cheshire East Council, Congleton Museum, United Kingdom

Director 2016-2022
Yekaterinburg History Museum, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Project Manager 2014-2016
Yekaterinburg History Museum, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Grant Expert 2018 - 2022 (part-time)
V. Potanin Charitable Foundation, Foundation for Cultural Initiatives

Artist 2015-2022 (part-time)
O.S.T. Theatre

Researcher and Associate Professor 2015-2020 (part-time)
Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Curator 2013-2015
Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Researcher and Associate Professor 2003-2015
University of Humanities, Yekaterinburg, Russia

Archeologist, Historian 2003-2013 (part-time)
Ugric Scientific Research Center, Yekaterinburg, Russia


2022 Concert in the Courtyard (with Irina Lyadova), Russia

2019 Grandma's House (with Irina Lyadova), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2019 Case No 39496 (with Irina Lyadova), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2019 UralmashGo (with Irina Lyadova, Polina Borodina, Dmitriy Zimin), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2018 Rout of Memory (with Irina Lyadova), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2015 Bus 33 (with Polina Borodina), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia


2018 Water Tower Story (with Ninel Britvina), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2016 Uralmash: Production of the Future (with Irina Leifer, Sesilia Hedrix), Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2014 Art of Travel, Sverdlovsk regional history museum, Russia

2024 Our Disappearing Nature, Congleton Museum, Cheshire, United Kingdom

2024 Town Expeditions, Congleton Museum, Cheshire, United Kingdom

2019 Art stories in the district, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2016-2022 Yekaterinburg: city of 7 districts, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

ART-LABORATORIES, WORKSHOPS (as an art producer)

2021 Arts Territory on Urals, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia, Arts Territory, United Kingdom

2020 Keep silence cannot tell, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2018-2022 People's Universities 2.0, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia

2018 Laboratory 37/38, Yekaterinburg History Museum, Russia


2016 50 most famous people of Yekaterinburg (nomination «art»)

2017 International Intermuseum Festival (winner)

2017 Changing Museum in a Changing World (best realized projects)

2017 ICOM of Russia Award for the best project for working with the local community (winner in the nomination "The view of the younger generation")

2017 ICOM of Russia Award for the best project for working with the local community (shortlisted)

2018 Museum flagship Prize of the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation (shortlisted)

2018 O.E. Clare Award (winner)

2019 International Intermuseum Festival (winner)

2019 Festival of Museum-Theatrical Projects THEATRUM (winner)

Aug'16 – Nov'22 | Yekaterinburg history museum (EHM) _ Director

  • Created new museum strategy. Transformed EHM into famous Russian city museum, one of the leaders in participation practices, working with oral history. The museum became the head of the section of City Museums in the Union of Museums of Russia
  • Formed one of the strongest teams in the region
  • Increased museum team from 60 to 100 people, founded several new departments – archeological investigation, game and souvenir production, media, museum theatre, city excursions, oral history center
  • Increased fundraising resource from 0 to 85 bln, income from 6 to 15 bln, museum state budget from 20 to 80 bln rub, museum building from 3 to 7
  • Fully reconstructed building «Water pressure tower» - created new museum, tourist visit center and project Yekaterinburg City Pass

During 2013-2024, I attracted more than 100 million rubles for the development of museum projects. I have signed sponsorship contracts with 15 commercial partners and implemented 2 successful fundraising campaigns on the Planeta crowdfunding platform.

I received more than 26 grants for museum and history projects from Russian, European and US organizations (Wilhelmina E. Jansen Fond (Netherlands), CEC ArtsLink (USA), CAF (UK), Embassies of the Netherlands, the German Consulate, and the British Council).

Grant support

I have received support from 5 foreign foundations and organizations (7 projects worth more than $ 100,000)

1. Wilhelmina Jansen Foundation (the Netherlands) and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Russian Federation (Uralmash project: Production of the Future, 2013-2014).

2. CEC ArtsLink, USA (Internship Participatory Museum Exchange", 2015).

3. Charitable Foundation for Philanthropy Development CAF Russia (project "Family Album" and "Grandma's House", 2019)

4. Department of Culture and Education of the British Council, British platform for cooperation of curators and artists from different countries "Arts Territory" (Online course with British artists and curators "Arts territory in the Urals: connecting cities, places and stories", 2021)

5. Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany in Yekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg German project, 2019-2021)

I received support from 3 Russian foundations (21 grants won in the amount of 37 million rubles)

1. Charitable Foundation V.Potanin – 8 grants (two grants from the "Changing Museum in a Changing World" competition, a grant from the "Museum Landing" competition, four grants from the "Common Cause" competition, one grant from "Museum 4.0")

2. Presidential Grants Fund – 10 grants ("Yekaterinburg is a city of 7 districts", "People's Universities 2.0", "Musical evacuation", "City of 7 stories", "Heritage School", "Reconstruction of concerts", "One person is already a lot", "You can't tell silence", "Route memory", "12 km. Special purpose zone. Manifestation")

3. Foundation for Cultural Initiatives – 3 grant ("Art of the Photo Archive", "Earth stories of cosmic Novosibirsk", "CHEMY: a public art festival of local stories from Novosibirsk")

Sponsorship (15 partners, more than 51 million rubles)

1. MEGA, IKEA retail chains (project "Megavykhodnoy in Yekaterinburg", 2019)

2. Developer Atomstroykompleks (guides to the districts of Yekaterinburg, the project "Navigable Iset")

3. Developer Aston Group (online educational project, excursions, open-air events, publication of a guide to Himmash)

4. SKB Bank (publishing a guide about Uralmash district)

5. Sberbank (Evacuation project)

6. Vodokanal (publication of a guide to Himmash district)

7. Uralmash Factory, Sinara Corporation, Malysheva 73 Charitable Foundation (reconstruction of the museum site, creation of exhibitions on the history of Yekaterinburg in the 20th century)

8. SRO "Ural Association of Builders" (project "Living houses of the Urals")

9. MTS telecom operator, tour operator "Mir", sports equipment store "Manaraga" (project "Art of Travel")

10. Restaurant "Bukowski" (project "Quarter 89")

Fundraising campaigns on the Planeta crowdfunding platform (0.5 million rubles)

1. The project "The Great Terror in the private stories of Yekaterinburg residents" (102%)

2. Guide to the Elmash district in Yekaterinburg (108%)

Working with volunteers

1. Close work with volunteers in the framework of at least 5 museum projects – attracting, building activities, creating an atmosphere, gratitude and recognition of contributions

2. A special long-term project to create a community of intelligent volunteers (project «People's university 2.0»).

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